Casual Friday 8.31.12

If you've never been to Boston, or Massachusetts in general...hell, if you've never crossed the street with someone from Massachussetts, then know this: We cross the street whenever we damn well please. The more crowded the area, the more disregard for traffic we have. "Cars need to yield to us," we think, "so I'll just cross right now." Despite all of this, Jaywalking is actually an infraction of the law. There's even a fine associated with it. "How much?" you may ask, assuming such a commonplace infraction is bound to generate big money if enforced. How much?



Well, as I'm walking to lunch I see a guy cross diagonally through an intersection, in front of traffic that has a green light. Lo and behold there is a cop on the adjacent corner who sees him cross!

What does the cop say?
"Hey! Hey buddy! How bout you use a crosswalk next time?"
Seriously people. What's the point?

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