Thursday 8:47 AM. Boston, Mass
Locale: Intersection of Charlesgate West and Beacon Street. Yeah, that intersection.
Perpetrator: Cranberry Ford Explorer and Blue BMW

I told you. To anyone that was watching that counter tick up and up on the side of the blog thinking: "Clearly this doesn't happen as much as he says it does."

Well today it happened.

That wouldn't normally be enough to warrant an entry though. I mean, I kept a counter up just to keep track of when it would happen next. I knew I was long overdue. It's the fact that the perpetrator was not alone in his bonehead maneuver.

So to anyone that is unaware, this intersection is three lanes: Straight, Right/Straight, or Right Only. My girlfriend is pointing out this Ford Explorer when suddenly my spider sense starts tingling. Alright. Not spider sense. I'm no superhero. I do have a keen sense of when stupid traffic performances are about to take place. For whatever reason, I feel like this Explorer is going to be the one to break me out of my slump.

I hate it when I'm right.

Now, like I said, just the fact that he did this would not normally be enough to make this guy a winner. He had a partner in crime. As I'm watching this guy make my most hated maneuver, I almost fail to see the BMW in the leftmost lane. You know, the straight only one. They start to turn right, sandwiching me in between the car going straight. It was like the Olympics for synchronized stupid. On my right, someone going straight through a right only. On my left, someone going right through a straight only. Kudos guys. You not only gave me a reason to reset my counter, but you also win the award for the day.

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