Thursday 1:27 PM. Brookline, Mass.
Perpetrator: Single Unit Truck


It's always nice when people respect the law in Massachusetts and yield to pedestrians.

It's always obnoxious when people break the law in Massachusetts and block an intersection.

Now imagine my confusion as to how to feel, as today's winner did both.
I'm crossing from the corner across the street of the corner this shot is taken from. As I'm waiting for the light to change, I see this little old lady, stopped just about where the woman with the two shopping bags is located. She is at the divider in the road, waiting to finish crossing, as the lights we are looking at are red, and cars are crossing through perpendicular to us. Now, the cars that have already made it through the intersection are stopped all the way to the crosswalk, so the next vehicle that comes, stops to let this lady cross. Unfortunately, it was a single unit truck. To add to the misfortune, the light cycle changes, and the truck is now in the middle of the intersection, unable to cross due to both cars and pedestrians.

Imagine sitting in your car where this shot is positioned, but instead of what you see now, you see the side of a truck taking up the entire intersection. Not only that, but you know there is a green light on the other side. If it were me in the car, I would have lost it at that point. Not only because I know there's absolutely no way for me to go right now, but also, because I have no shot at beating that guy to be today's winner.

Author's Note: I use map images for these entries, so no. I have no clue how the car on the left isn't being hit by that subway.

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