Wednesday 5:37 PM. Boston, Mass.
Locale: Intersection of Charles Street and 93 ramp. Well...doesn't this seem familiar.
Perpetrator: Blue Pickup Truck

So I thought I had finally found the magic route. I thought my quests of exploring the twists and turns of this city had finally lead me to a route out that was not an incredible headache. Was there traffic? Absolutely. Come on, it's Boston. Still, it seemed like it had fairly reliable groups of people, and it seemed like everyone knew where to go. Well, like I said, it is Boston.

So this intersection is ridiculous. There are 5 lanes which break off into two "Left Only" lanes, a "Straight Only," a "Straight Right," (which caused Monday's Disaster) and a "Right Only." You can either go straight across to the two lane 93 North ramp, or turn right into the two lane 93 South Tunnel. It's pretty clear when you're approaching which lane is going to take you where.

Or so it would seem.

I am in the straight/right, a lane I am quickly becoming not fond of, and the truck is in the straight only. We begin to head into the intersection. Then, of course, in classic "I probably should have figured out where I was going before I got in the intersection" fashion, he cuts me off and heads down the tunnel. I gave him a resounding long horn, followed by some accented short horns. Just to really make the point. Well, they say that there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. For this guy, that light was the winner's circle on this here blog.

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