Wednesday 12:34 PM. Brookline, Mass
Locale: Beacon Street, a two lane road with a third "Left Only" lane
Perpetrator: Green Pickup Truck

We've all been there. We wind up in that fateful lane that tells us we have only way to go, and it isn't the way we were intending. What is a helpless commuter to do? The way I see it, you have several choices:

1. Take the turn. This is the least offensive option, and really only irritates yourself.
2. Sit in the lane with the signal trying to get out. This has the potential to piss off not only the people behind you intending to take that turn, but also the people who's lane you're attempting to invade.
3. Gun it. Shoot into the intersection and swing over ahead of the people who actually know where they're going. You look like the biggest douche using this maneuver, but it is the most effective way to get where you want to go.

Well, today's winner took it in a completely different direction.

He approaches the stoplight in the left hand lane as it's turning yellow. He slows to a stop, and then proceeds to go. Now, I'm not really sure where he wanted to go initially, but he goes from the leftmost lane and cuts across the other two lanes of traffic and ends up going to the street on the right. I really tried to comprehend what this guy was doing, but none of the options really made sense to me. Not only was it one of the most obnoxious cuts I've ever seen, but it just had no apparent sense in the realm of possibilities. Well, stranger in the truck, wherever you were intending to go, your route took you on the fast track to the winner's circle for today's blog entry.

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