Thursday 8:07 PM. Malden, Mass.
Locale: Route 1...If you've read this blog, you know about Route 1
Perpetrator: Tan Toyota Camry

I'd like to talk a little bit about speed limits. I think that speed limits are incredibly amusing. They must be the least observed of all the road rules. What they really should have is a sign like this:

Go Between
Or Get a Ticket

No one actually listens to speed limits. I've seen people fly by cops going at least 10 mph over, and nothing happens. Most often, when people are complaining about other drivers not obeying the speed limit, it is because those drivers are soaring past them at breakneck speed. Today's winner took things at a different pace: a much, much slower one. Driving unreasonably slow, in my mind, is almost as dangerous as driving unreasonably fast. There's a certain expectation when you're on a highway that you drive at a reasonable speed, somewhere close to the speed limit. So, I'm coming up on this guy, and I start to slow down. I see a speed limit sign at it says that the speed limit is 50 MPH. I look to my spedometer. I'm going about 38. I'm right behind this guy, and he slams his breaks, as if to say "back off." I'm sorry, but when you're going over 10mph slower than the speed limit in the middle lane on a highway, I really don't think I'm being unreasonable for coming up on you too fast. Get in the right lane, or speed up. It just isn't safe.

So I go around our friend, and I look as I pass and I see him fling his arm up and down as he's mouthing some words to me. From what I could discern, he was telling me to slow down. Sorry dude, but it's late and I want to get home. If they're going to allow me to go 50, I'm going to go 50. I'm glad you're having a leisurely drive, but I'd rather not get rear ended by someone not paying attention.

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