Sunday 4:35 PM. Braintree Mass
Location: Plain St, a two lane road.
Perpetrator: White BMW

Now, I did not intend to start this blog on a weekend. Typically weekends are much more slower paced, and have a significantly lower potential for people to be totally moronic. Well, besides weekend nights in the vicinity of bars I suppose. I don't tend to find myself near those, nor going anywhere where I would expect completely idiotic behavior.

Unless I'm behind a BMW.

I've already discussed how nice cars usually have the dumbest drivers. BMW's however are the creme de la creme of these wonderful people. Whenever, and I mean when freaking ever I am within a 6 car distance of a BMW, I'm just waiting for something stupid to happen. never fails to occur. So here I am following this BMW down a two lane road. Double yellow lines, cars in front of him, clearly no room for stupidity. How wrong I was.

This wonderful driver decides that the car in front is not going fast enough. So as we're approaching the stoplight in front of us, which is currently green, the BMW decides to cross over the double yellow and go around the car in front of him. My mouth is agape as he swiftly swings around, nearly missing the oncoming cars which had to brake and swerve to avoid this genius. If it were me in the other lane...well, let's say I wouldn't have been responsible for the slew of language which would erupt from my mouth. He skirted back free of honks and fingers...but he could not escape the wrath of my blog. You sir, are a moron. Those yellow lines are there for a reason. I'm pretty sure that the lines still apply regardless of how expensive your car. You are not "hot shit". You are an idiot. Congratulations.

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