Wednesday, 8:37 AM. Boston, Mass
Locale: RT1 and 93 Juncture. A two lane ramp, the right lane merges with an oncoming traffic lane.
Perpetrator: Blue Volvo.

There are some things about driving that even a child can understand them. How do I know this? Well for one, when we are young, we are given drawings and encouraged to color in between the lines. It makes for a more ogranized, appealing drawing. So when kids look at a road, and see the dotted lines, I can only assume they understand that cars go inside those lines. This volvo must have been one of those kids that was incapable of coloring within the lines.

As we are approaching the two lane merge, I begin to merge as instructed. I go the same route every morning, and most of the time people understand that as two lanes become one, you take turns and go in order. Basic kid stuff, right? Not so much for this Volvo. They did not seem to approve of the way I was obeying traffic, and began honking at me. I'm not sure where he wanted me to go, as this is rush hour traffic. Well, this driver decided to show me exactly where he thought I should go: in between the two lanes of traffic. He swings around my left and fits in between me and the car next to me. He then slides in front of me and stays in the lane to take the exit. I just gave him a friendly wave. If you get a wave from me, it's my way of saying congrats, as you've just made my blog.

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